Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Student Counselling - free workshops

Student Counselling is running a number of free student group workshops in the coming weeks. 
1.   Coping with Stress                               – Mon, February 3rd , from 5pm-7pm
2.   Finding Optimism on the Blue Days   – Mon, February 3rd , from 5pm–7pm
3.   Troubled by Procrastination               – Tues, February 4th , from 6pm–8pm

For bookings and any queries please contact

Friday, 24 January 2014

Free food and fun at the Muscailt launch party! Your all invited :-)

You are all invite to the launch party of NUI Galway’s Múscailt spring festival which takes place on Monday 27th January at 5pm in The Cube.  There will be food and fun. Tell all your friends!

(PS. The lovely painting for the festival invite and brochure is by the wonderful artist Marina Wild)

Healthy Eating & Mental Health – free workshop

Mona and Rob Wise ( will be demonstrating cooking skills as well as sharing practical tips on nutrition and mental health, budgeting and shopping for food, and eating with others.

The event will take place on Wednesday 29 January at 7.30 pm at Ros Geal Residence, 19 University Rd (next to Tesco Express across from NUIG).

Happy Eating!


Here’s another food article you may find useful:


To keep up to date follow Risky Bizzness on @RBizzness

MUSIC & HEARING LOSS – free test of MP3 & portable music players.

Many students may not be aware that they are listening to music at damaging levels on MP3 or portable music players.

One way of checking whether you are listening at a safe level or not is by testing your sound level through a sound head.
The Keepthesound campaign  will be attending the NUI Galway Health Fair to test the sound level you are listening to your music at.
They will connect your music source to the sound head and 30 seconds later you will see the result.
The Health Fair takes place in the Bailey Allen Hall , on Wednesday 5th February from 11am – 5pm
To keep up to date follow Risky Bizzness on @RBizzness

Music & Hearing Loss- protect your ears & keep the sound

The Keepthesound campaign  website explains that a combination of three different factors could result in hearing loss after listening to music:

  • The duration of time listening
  • Closeness to the source of the sound
  • How loud the music is played

No matter how loud the music is turned up when you listen to it, the basic rule is that the longer you listen, the more you stress the muscles in the inner ear. Fatigue of the ear may result in a temporary threshold shift, limiting the amount of quiet sounds that you can hear. MP3 players are more likely to cause hearing loss than older portable music devices. They provide high-quality sound at very high volumes, and users tend to listen longer than ever before.

Tips for Protecting Your Hearing:

  • Take regular breaks from your headphones to give your ears a rest, the risk of damage increases with length of exposure.
  • Turn down the volume a notch - even a small reduction in volume can make a big difference to the risk of damage to your hearing.
  • Avoid using the volume to drown out background noise, for example the sound of the train or traffic (find out about additions to in-ear headphones that help with this problem).
  • If your MP3 player has a ’smart volume’ feature, use it so you have control of the volume you are listening at.
  • Remember - if you have ringing in your ears or dull hearing after listening to your MP3 or personal stereo, it is a serious warning that the music was loud enough to damage your hearing.

To keep up to date follow Risky Bizzness on @RBizzness

Monday, 20 January 2014

All the latest from Go Ask Alice

Here are the latest Q & As from Go Ask Alice (see below) Topics covered below include ‘Marijuana and Ritalin’, ‘Orgasms and making babies?’, ‘Itchy legs?’ and lots more…

The latest Go Ask Alice book is available in the Wellness Centre at the back of The Hub - drop in any time for a read.

Remember, if you have problems or worries you feel you would like to talk about confidentially, contact Cindy Dring, Health Promotion Officer for NUI Galway at 091-492048. Alternatively e-mail her at or just drop in to Aras Ni Eimhigh.

New and updated Q&As for the week of January 17, 2014

Theme of the Week

New and updated Q&As for the week of January 10, 2014

Theme of the Week
Copyright (C) 2014 Columbia University All rights reserved.

Debate about benefits and risks of fruit drinks and smoothies

A debate is now emerging amongst researchers over fruit drinks and smoothies. Are they beneficial or are they a risk? Should they be included as one of your five a day portions of fresh fruit and vegetables? Below is a summary of some of the debate. Please feel free to add your comment to this article. Its always good to know what other people think.


Dr Susan Jebb, Professor of Diet and Population Health in the Department of Primary Care Health Sciences at the University of Oxford was recently quoted by the Sunday Times and later The Guardian as saying: "Fruit juice isn't the same as intact fruit and it has got as much sugar as many classical sugar drinks. It is also absorbed very fast so by the time it gets to your stomach your body doesn't know whether it's Coca-Cola or orange juice, frankly.’ Read full article at Fruit juice should not be part of your five a day, says government adviser


A previous article in The Guardian highlighted research in Singapore that showed that people who eat whole fruit have a reduced risk of developing the obesity-linked type 2 diabetes, whereas those who drank fruit juice were at increased risk. See Full article at:Smoothies and fruit juices are a new risk to health, US scientists warn

At the moment in Ireland the safefood campaign still lists smoothies as being one of the five portions of fresh fruit and veg. It should also be noted that despite the ongoing debate, safefood provides very positive advice on healthy eating. Of particular interest to students is the safefood fact sheet that shows the sugar content of everyday drinks including smoothies and fruit drinks. Whilst the chart is aimed at parents of young children it is worth everybody checking it out. See: Drinks Guide 

What the debate over smoothies and fruit drinks highlights is that the best food to eat is that which is nearest to its natural state. For more healthy advice about food check out:

Food Is FunMyths about food, weight and body image 

The Mediterranean Diet

Energy drinks will have a negative impact on your exams and studies 

If you are worried about food and body image a good website to check out is ProYouth 
To keep up to date follow Risky Bizzness on @RBizzness

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Tonight! The wonderful Moth & Butterfly storytelling session. All welcome

Lovers of stories and good company will be glad to hear that there is a Moth and Butterfly storytelling session on tonight. I was so impressed by the Moth and Butterfly storytelling session that I went to in June that I wrote a review in my blog 

Here’s all you need to know about tonight's show, courtesy of the Moth & Butterfly crew:

Moth & Butterfly - A Night of Storytelling and Improvisation.
The Theme for January 2014's show is 'IN THE BEGINNING'

Calling all listeners, storytellers, improvisers. Join us for an exciting monthly night at The Townhouse Bar. We will be hearing great stories, telling great stories, and making up great stories. Wednesday 15th is our next show, and is the first of 2014

Each night has a theme and 'Moth' stories are true stories that must include the tellers themselves! These stories can be up to about 10 minutes long (with a bit of a grace period, and a shorter story is fine!). All stories are told (not read - no notes allowed) all types of true story, happy, sad, zany etc are welcome. There will also be a space for improvised stories and fictional stories that fit the theme of the evening. No pressure to be funny - laughter, crying, scowling, amazement are all equally welcome.

The Moth and Butterfly Crew will be hosting the night and we'll be asking for stories from the floor, and would love for you to give it a try, particularly if you haven't done one before. "I loved it!" is generally the response from anyone who's done one, so now that you know how much fun it is...

Admission on the night is €5
Doors at 8PM - get there on time - or pop in a little earlier for some dinner? Upstairs at The Townhouse (downstairs!) have just started a wonderful new menu courtesy of Yum Tree kitchen. Very reasonable and delicious

Please like our page and check out our full description to find out full details about how it all works:

If you know you would like to tell a story, you can always email us in advance to:
We're excited, look forward to seeing you there.

Upstairs at The Townhouse, 6-7 Quay lane, Spanish Parade, Galway City, Galway City Galway, Ireland

Click here for a map to the Moth and Butterfly show 

To keep up to date follow Risky Bizzness on @RBizzness

Laugh 'til you Fart!

Farts are funny. There’s no getting away from it. Even Dante had to throw a few bottom blasts into his masterpiece just to keep the narrative rolling along. In an age before the internet Dante had the demon Barbariccia communicating over long distances by making ‘a trumpet of his ass.’ (The Divine Comedy: Inferno.Canto XXI). Beckett, of course, was a great man for the farts.

One of the greatest farting scenes in world literature is that in the Bash Street Kids Annual 2007. The kids and their teacher take a trip to the deserts of Eygpt, wherein Fatty eats a huge bake bean sandwich and then lets rip with a fart so massive and majestic that he rises into the air like a rocket as the sands below are blasted away revealing an ancient pyramid…

But farts work best as a visual gag… Here’s one of Ireland’s most hilarious contributions to the Farting Hall of Fame.

I have to admit that I’ve not yet mentioned farts either in my blog articles or in my published books. But I have written plenty of funny stuff that, to quote a reader, 'made me laugh so hard I farted.’

Here then are some of my wittier articles. Hopefully they will get your new year off to a loud and happy start. Enjoy!

To keep up to date follow Risky Bizzness on @RBizzness

Saturday, 11 January 2014

Free Tai-Chi workshops

As part of his MA in Health Promotion Zhen Yang will be running free Tai-Chi Workshop for NUI G students every Wednesday from 17:00-18:30, starting from 15th January.

Zhen Yang doing Tai-Chi
The workshops take place in the SPACE, which is up the stairs on your left when you come into Áras na Mac Léinn / StudentCentre. 

About Tai-Chi. Tai-Chi is an ancient Chinese internal martial art system, which combines profound principles, theories and martial art techniques. The slow, soft and continuously flowing movements appear mysterious on the surface. However, it is the cultivation of one's internal energy, mind and the physical body that make it so unique and challenging. To generate relaxation, Tai-Chi practice requires a deep level of concentration and a focused mind, thus allowing the mind to lead and guide the body's energy. Tai-Chi is not only a martial art, but has also been widely acknowledged as being an effective health exercise. 

Clothing requirements for workshops: Participants should wear sportswear - no jeans or skirts.  

Places are limited so to book a place please contact Zhen Yang at:

To keep up to date follow Risky Bizzness on @RBizzness

Thursday, 9 January 2014

Can electronic cigarettes help me quit smoking?

With a new year comes new resolutions and new worries and there’s no doubt some of the biggest worries are over smoking and weight.

The latest articles from Columbia University’s Go Ask Alice cover these two subjects and a lot more. Click the links below and see what you think. If you find the articles useful pass the word on.

The latest Go Ask Alice book is available in the Wellness Centre at the back of The Hub - drop in any time for a read.

Remember, if you have problems or worries you feel you would like to talk about confidentially, contact Cindy Dring, Health Promotion Officer for NUI Galway at 091-492048. Alternatively e-mail her at or just drop in to Aras Ni Eimhigh.

Here are related articles in riskybizzness that may also be of interest to you:

For those thinking of dieting have a look at

And smokers and non-smokers alike will enjoy

To keep up to date, follow this blog on @RBizzness

Amazing art classes starting soon.

Illustration by Marina Wild from Galway Bay Folk Tales

The Arts & Theatre office will run a number of lunchtime and evening art classes  with artist and tutor Marina Wild at the Art Room, upstairs in Áras na Mac Léinn, NUI Galway. 

Commencing the week of January 20 for staff, students and the general public.  All are welcome.  

See details below for times and prices.

1.00 - 2.00pm      
Beginners Drawing & Painting
8 weeks

1.00 - 2.00pm             
Drawing & Painting – all levels
8 weeks

5.30 - 7.00pm             
Drawing & Painting – all levels
8 weeks

5.30 - 7.00pm             
Drawing & Painting – all levels

8 weeks

For further details regarding the course content and materials required, please contact Deirdre at ext. 5098 or at the Arts & Theatre office, Room 105, Áras na Mac Léinn.