Friday, 30 May 2014

Magical storytelling sessions in Galway

Storytelling is one of the oldest and most powerful ways of sharing wonder, laughter and amazement, and of transporting your head, heart and soul to new and incredible dimensions.
To experience storytelling at its most magical, hilarious and sometimes terrifying come along to hear me telling stories in the Cottage Bar every Thursday evening from June 5th to September 25th. I’ll be telling CELTIC TALES from the myths, folklore and urban legends of Ireland and Scotland.

When: Thursday evenings
Where: The Cottage Bar
Time: 8.00pm
Price: 10 Euro / 7 Euro Concessions
Tel: 087 654 5411
Map to Cottage Bar
Website: rabfultonstories

 Quotes about my storytelling

"Captivating minds with faraway fables" - The Irish Times.

 "Rab's zest for life and his talent of connecting with people definitely put him ahead of most storytellers" – Connacht Tribune

Handy Tip: To get the best seats arrive at the show a little early as it can get very busy... 

‘Girlfriend broke it off – Am I stalking?' and other questions

Here’s the latest Q & As from Go Ask Alice. Questions include ‘Girlfriend broke it off – Am I stalking?', ‘Can loneliness kill?’, ‘Eyelid twitching’ and lots more… Have a look at the links and click on any that interest you. If you find the links useful, feel free to tell your friends

The latest Go Ask Alice book is available in the Wellness Centre at the back of The Hub - drop in any time for a read.
New and updated Q&As for 2014
Copyright (C) 2014 Columbia University All rights reserved.

Remember, if you have problems or worries you feel you would like to talk about confidentially, contact Cindy Dring, Health Promotion Officer for NUI Galway at 091-492048. Alternatively e-mail her at or just drop in to Aras Ni Eimhigh.

Wednesday, 21 May 2014


Trying to keep up with who and what to fear and hate can be a bit gruelling. Is it Russians this week we should be cowering from, or perhaps fourth wave feminists or is it the turn of teenagers yet again?
Be afraid! Scary feminists are after you!

A possible solution to this tiring business is to find one thing that we can all agree is the enemy of everybody. That way we can all have one daily dose of panic and terror that doesn’t involve using up so much energy reading papers, surfing the internet or listening to the latest gossip in the gym, pub or local mother and toddler group. We get our quick shot of fear and then get on with studying, working, raising babies, scratching our arse and / or smelling the daffodils.

Fortunately there is one thing that may indeed fit the role of evil and malign terror, and that is BACTERIA… If recent reports are anything to go by it seems that anti-biotic resistant BACTERIA may be about to wipe us all out (even Russian feminist teenagers). If recent media speculation is anything to go by our extinction may happen as soon as next year, next month or even next Thursday. 

The danger we are facing is that antibiotics are becoming less effective at killing bacteria, or rather bacteria are becoming more stubborn in their desire not to be wiped out. A World Health Organisation report spells out the very real dangers  in the treatment in many illness including Gonorrhoea and Tuberculosis. More worryingly the introduction to the report considers that ‘a post-antibiotic era – in which common infections and minor injuries can kill – far from being an apocalyptic fantasy, is instead a very real possibility for the 21st Century.’

However, such a bleak future is not inevitable. Bleak futures never are.  There are reasons why antibiotics are becoming less effective, not least the mass production of antibiotics for profit by pharmaceutical industry and the use of those antibiotics both in the treatment of humans and in farming.  

The WHO report highlights that the over use and inappropriate use of antibiotics has allowed bacteria to build up resistance.  In Ireland the HSE has also drawn attention to this in an online feature bluntly entitled ‘Antibiotics don't work on colds and flu’   which includes charts on sicknesses that do and do not need antibiotics.

The WHO has good advice for what can be done to begin tackling this problem, namely there has to be a reduction in the use of antibiotics in humans and in animals and an increase in hand hygiene. This sounds simple enough but sadly the nature of politics and lobbying will no doubt delay any meaningful action.

 But this does not mean we are powerless. Despite the headlines there are things we can do starting today which will help us look after ourselves and our planet. We can wash our hands properly. We can eat organic food. And we can demand that our elected officials listen to the WHO and not the lobbyist from the pharmaceutical industry.


Of course we can do nothing and when the antibiotic resistant shit hits the fan blame it all on those pesky Russian feminist teenagers.

Keep up to date by following this blog on twitter at: @RBizzness