Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Don’t Be A Bystander to Bullying

Bullying can happen anywhere to anyone.

One of the most common forms of bullying in NUI G is the use of unwanted sexual contact – either verbal and / or physical – by drunken men against women (Half of all female students in NUI G have experienced this form of bullying).
Other common forms of bullying include:  
  •  the spread of malicious gossip, messages & photos through social networkin 
  • the pressurizing,  isolating or laughing at people who don’t drink alcohol
  • verbally or physically attacking people because of their gender, faith, sexuality, ethnicity, or disability

If you witness or know about bullying that is going on then you have to choose whether to be part of the bullying problem or a part of the solution to bullying.

Being part of the problem includes:
  • Joining in with the bullying, laughing at the victim, or making jokes afterwards on social media, txt messages etc.
  • Giving silent approval to the bully by looking on and doing nothing.
  • Teasing or spreading gossip about others, this includes on social networking site.
  • Forwarding on or responding to messages or photos that may be offensive or upsetting

Being part of the solution includes:
  • Expressing disapproval of the bullying
  • Expressing support for the victim
  • Finding help. This can mean speaking to the person in charge of the place where the bullying is taking place – the bus driver, the bar manager, the lecturer.
  • If possible, help remove the victim from the bully
  • Report it to someone in authority or someone you trust e.g. a lecturer, to one of the NUI Galway student services, to the Students' Union Welfare Officer; at work to a manager; if the bullying is serious, report it to the police; if the bullying occurs on Facebook, report it to Facebook

Relates articles:

With regards to NUI Galway, bullying is recognized as a punishable breach of student code of conduct 

Remember, if you have problems or worries you feel you would like to talk about confidentially, contact Cindy Dring, Health Promotion Officer for NUI Galway at 091-492048. Alternatively e-mail her at or just drop in to Aras Ni Eimhigh.
For more on how to look good, feel good and be in charge of your life as a student at NUI Galway check out Student's Services Health Promotion
Keep up to date by following this blog on twitter and Facebook

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